Rotary International Peace Fellowship
Building Peace Through Stories
I was selected as one of 50 global Rotary International Peace Fellows to study at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok in 2017.
I undertook a professional development certificate in peace and conflict studies. I passed my studies with flying colours.
The three month intensive residential course focuses on conflict resolution techniques including analysis, mapping, successful sustainable peace building and two practical field trips – one to Chiang Rai in northern Thailand and the other to Sri Lanka. The
The course involved regular journaling, blogging, networking with key figures in the peace and conflict fields, reflections and submitting an academic paper (marked as excellent by an external tutor) and organising and presenting at a public seminar.
My chosen area of focus while on this fellowship (undertaken as a career break from my position as a journalist at the BBC) was the role of the storyteller when it came to attacks on cultural heritage and identity.
I was able to contribute a great deal of my expertise on the fast emerging area of fake news, verification and technology during discussions, especially when it came to modern areas of conflict, the role of the media, and the challenge of multiple narratives.
For more on my experience as a Rotary International Peace Fellow:

Dhruti is an inspiring and engaging speaker. Her presentation to my students was dynamic and charismatic, and motivated the audience to reflect on their own work and abilities. She is well-organized and approachable, building a strong rapport with her audience and encouraging interaction. The whole group came away from her session thinking about writing and crafting stories in new ways. Her speech was well-crafted and thought-provoking.
Lecturer, Northwestern University Qatar, Doha, Qatar